CARES act Reporting

CARES act Reporting

The following information is provided as required by the U.S. Department of Education in relation to Philander Smith College’s disbursement of funds received under the CARES Act.


The method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.

To provide quick emergency aid to help offset educational costs that students experienced because of the pandemic, Philander Smith College disbursed its HEERF distribution to eligible students in the following allotments:

 (Based on student enrollment during Spring 2020 Semester, as of March 13th.)

·    $650:  12 hours or more

·    $490:  9-11 hours

·    $320:  6-8 hours

·    $160:  3-5 hours

Spring 2021 increased allotment:

·    $800:  12 hours or more

·    $600:  9-11 hours

·    $400:  6-8 hours

·    $200:  3-5 hours

Fall 2021 increased allotment:

·    $1,000  12 hours or more

·    $750:  9-11 hours

·    $500  6-8 hours

·    $250:  3-5 hours

Spring 2022 increased allotment:

·    $1,500  12 hours or more

·    $1,125:  9-11 hours

·    $750  6-8 hours

·    $375:  3-5 hours

See CARES Fund Frequently Asked Questions for eligibility requirements and additional information. 

Any instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants.

On May 7, 2020, the linked information was emailed to students: