Continuing Education <span>and Professional Studies</span>

Continuing Education and Professional Studies

Continuing Education And Professional Studies

The Center for Continuing Education and Professional Studies at Philander Smith University strives to meet the demands of students in need of an accelerated degree program, weekend college credits, or an online degree. Philander Smith University offers online learning in a user-friendly, self-directed, and inclusive educational environment. Online Philanderians are provided an engaging learning experience that allows them to achieve academic excellence in their studies while living a busy life with work and family schedules. Online courses at Philander Smith University are designed to provide a quality education that mirrors the rigor of on-campus classes and allows students to complete work towards and/or receive a degree from a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). Online courses are currently offered using Savant Learning Systems- VCamp 360. The courses offered are developed using top-quality content, user-friendly interfaces, and a secure web-hosting environment that creates the closest The Center for Continuing Education and Professional Studies at Philander Smith University strives to meet the demands.

<span>Philander Smith</span> Management Institute (PSMI) background image

Philander Smith Management Institute (PSMI)

The Philander Smith University Management Institute (PSMI) provides adults the opportunity to complete a Bachelor’s degree by attending class one night per week in a program that is academically challenging yet flexible to meet the needs of non-traditional students.

<span>Organizational</span> Management background image

Organizational Management

PSMI Bachelors of Organizational Management course registration is completed one session at a time.

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Weekend & Evening College

The Weekend College extends its convenient, high quality weekend and evening college courses year round in order to assist students of all ages in achieving educational goals while balancing academic commitments, family and job responsibilities.

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Workforce Innovation Strategic and Economic Public Private Partnerships (WISE P3)

WISE-P3 (Workforce Innovation and Strategic Economic Public Private Partnerships) is Philander Smith University’s response to solving the urban issue of underemployment in Arkansas.

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Law Enforcement Education Advancement Program

The Law Enforcement Education Advancement Program (L.E.E.A.P.) is a FREE academic preparation program designed to enhance and develop skills critical for those seeking a career in law enforcement.

Philander Smith Management Institute

Contact: Dr. Vonnice J. Boone, EdD, MBA
Phone: 501.370.5242

Weekend College

Contact: Academic Affairs
Phone: 501.370.5276

Workforce Innovation Strategic And Economic Public Private Partnerships (WISE P3)

Contact: Mr. Glenn Sergeant
Phone: 501.370.8536