Mister and Miss PSU are elected student leaders who represent the best in academics, moral character, leadership skills, and personal decorum. Elections for Mister and Miss PSU occur each spring term at the annual Mr. and Miss PSU Pageant. A Coronation Ball is hosted each fall term to officially install Mister and Miss PSU as Philander Smith’s Student Royalty.
Qualifications | Candidates for Miss PSU:
- Must be born female;
- Must be single. She must remain in this status during her reign;
- Must have earned a minimum of 60 quality academic hours at the beginning of the fall semester of her reign;
- Must have been enrolled at Philander Smith University at least one academic year prior to her candidacy;
- Must have attained a 2.75 cumulative grade point average during her tenure at PSU and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 to remain in her position;
- Must be in good social standing and never have been convicted before any Student Conduct Committee at any time before or during her candidacy and/or her reign;
- Must be in good financial standing with Philander Smith University and all financial obligations cleared in the Business Office;
- Must have been approved by the Office of Student Affairs and the Chief Student Affairs Officer/AVP verifying items A-G;
- No student may serve as Miss Philander Smith University for more than one elected term; and
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student at Philander Smith University at the time of her candidacy and during her reign.
Qualifications | Candidates for Mister PSU
- Must be born male;
- Must be single. He must remain in this status during her reign;
- Must have earned a minimum of 60 quality academic hours at the beginning of the fall semester of his reign;
- Must have been enrolled at Philander Smith University at least one academic year prior to his candidacy;
- Must have attained a 2.75 cumulative grade point average during his tenure at PSU and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 to remain in his position;
- Must be in good social standing and never have been convicted before any Student Conduct Committee at any time before or during his candidacy and/or his reign;
- Must be in good financial standing with Philander Smith University and all financial obligations cleared in the Business Office;
- Must have been approved by the Office of Student Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management verifying items A-G;
- No student may serve as Mister Philander Smith University for more than one elected term; and
Mister & Miss Philander Smith University
Demarcus Murphy
Rayyan Johnson
Mister & Miss 1877
Christopher Bronson
Miracle Jackson
Mister & Miss Freshman
Darius Davis
Shuii Harris
Mister & Miss Sophomore
Ashton Perry
Sydnee Jackson
Mister & Miss Junior
Ashton Cartwright
Taylar Gaston