Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical Education

The Physical Education non-teaching degree is grounded in a broad liberal arts program designed to provide the candidates with opportunities to explore varied career opportunities. Course content in the non-teaching degree program offers candidate information needed to make informed decisions about a professional career. Physical Education majors who wish to pursue a degree in the program must meet the following entry-level requirements:

1. Pass all General Education courses with a grade point average of 2.00 or better.

2. Pass ENG 113 English Composition I, ENG 123 English Composition II, ENG 103 Basic Speech, MTH 133 College Algebra, EWDUC 100X Level I Field Experience, and EDUC 203 Introduction to Education with a grade of C or better.

Retention in Physical Education

The requirements for retention in the Physical Education Program are:

1. Successfully participate in the course of study, all prescribed workshops, seminars, symposiums, and field experiences within the Physical Education (non-teaching) curriculum;

2. Maintain a GPA of 2.00 or better in the content and professional curriculum;

3. Successfully fulfill all requirements.

Exit Procedures (Graduation) Physical Education (Non-Licensure)

Requirements for Admission for Graduation: majors in the Physical Education Program must:

1. Complete all major requirements with an overall grade point of 2.00 or better.

2. Complete all Content and Professional course requirements with a grade of C or better.

3. Complete a written application for graduation by the deadline date as set forth by the Office of the Registrar and stated in the current Philander Smith University Catalog.

4. Obtain approval for graduation from the Division Chairperson and major advisor.